

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures and knowledge as a twin mom and pediatric nurse practitioner. Hope you have a nice stay!


Here's Why I Opened Twinside Design, A Twin Mom Swag Store

Here's Why I Opened Twinside Design, A Twin Mom Swag Store

It was 2018 and I found myself in a state of defeat, wearing my husband’s oversized t-shirt decorated in spit-up and holding two 12-month-old babies. I was completely defeated and completely exhausted. Figuring out my day-to-day life was incredibly taxing and full of “how in the world do I do all of this?” I was adjusting to a new routine at home, a new work balance, and a new identity. I was a new twin mom just trying to do it all.

How in the world do I do all of this?
— Every new twin mom

That same day, with both twins in my arms, I looked into the mirror that hung on our living room wall. In the reflection, I saw a mom that did everything for everyone else; a mom that did nothing for herself. So, during the twins’ nap that day, I logged onto Etsy and ordered my first official “Twin Mom Shirt.” It was a simple charcoal gray t-shirt that just had the words “Twin Mom” written across it in white text. A simple treat, but oh so meaningful to me. When it arrived in the mail, I was SO proud to put that shirt on. I felt rejuvenated and strong, and it reminded me of what I knew I was: a powerful twin mom. I quickly went back to order a second one!

That exact feeling is what I want to create for others. It’s why I created Twinside Design, an online twin mom gift shop. It’s not only inspired by that feeling, but it’s inspired by YOU. My fellow twin moms never cease to amaze me. And since this blog you’re reading right now, Twinside Scoop, has served the purpose of helping fellow moms over the years figure out how to juggle major twin milestones, I wanted to make Twinside Design an extension of the blog. I’m so glad you’re here. <3

Whether it’s for Mother’s Day, a birthday, twin pregnancy gift, or “just because,” I hope you find something you love. I hope you feel like the superhero twin mom that you truly are! Head over to Twinside Design to see the full collection.

Twin Mom Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee
from $25.00
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